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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Neighbours Spoilers – Is Andrew Rodwell JJ’s father?

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Ramsay Street is closed off in Monday’s episode of Neighbours because of a HAZMAT situation, but the Varga-Murphys are in for a much greater surprise.

Commencing right after the events of Thursday’s episode, Remi (Naomi Rukavina) is in shock after finding herself in a possibly fatal circumstance.

In the presence of her husband Cara (Sara West) and boys JJ (Riley Bryant) and Dex (Marley Williams), Remi was shocked to open a mail in her living room and discover not just a papercut but also that she was nearly instantly covered in white powder.

She’s on red alert right now. Remi realises how serious the situation is and tells Cara to take the boys outdoors.

Remi discovers that there may be anthrax all over her open wound and finds herself in a state of time freeze, alone and terrified, while she waits for the authorities to act.

Cara runs to No. 26 to tell Andrew (Lloyd Will) about what’s happened two doors up while the boys are outside cleaning their faces and hands. The Serjeant immediately dials 911 to summon the police, paramedics, and Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) teams.

Andrew approaches the house with his face hidden as the street is blocked off and yells out to see how Remi is doing. He tells her there’s little possibility it’s Anthrax, but Remi isn’t taking any chances.

She begs Andrew, knowing that Cara will want nothing more than to be with her wife, “Promise me you won’t let her in.” After all, someone needs to be there for the boys in case the worst happens.

Andrew goes back outside and tries to comfort Cara, who is waiting tensely for the HAZMAT team to arrive. At that point, Wendy (played by Candice Leask) decides to confront and take responsibility.

The Linwell Brothers are aware of the Varga-Murphys’ whereabouts because of her.

After obtaining Cara’s resume, she phoned them and performed a fictitious reference check. She found it strange that Cara had not included them in her employment history when applying for the identical Building Manager position at Lassiters that Wendy had taken.

Cara angrily tells Wendy, “They’re not on my CV because they’re bad people,” believing that Remi’s predicament is due to Wendy’s inquisitiveness.

Cara begs Andrew to let her into the house once she calms down, but he refuses. Unaware of the chaos, Wendy has made a beeline for No. 30, and before they realise it, she has inside the house.

Wendy notices the white powder on the table after entering. Terrified, she finds herself at a loss for words. Remi is surprised to find her inside, but Wendy explains that she brought herself into this predicament and that she won’t leave her by herself.

Wendy gives Remi the encouragement she needs in a very dark period when she says, “You are not sitting there, fearing for your life, without having someone to share this with.” Remi is affected by this.

Now that both of their spouses are inside, having likely been the victims of an anthrax attack, Cara and Andrew have little choice but to wait for the HAZMAT team to arrive and declare the situation safe. Although Wendy is starting to realise the seriousness of what she has done on the inside, she won’t allow Remi see her uncertainties.

Wendy starts to ask questions, such as what is anthrax, when Remi tells her to remain motionless so as not to disrupt the particles. Remi describes it as a bacterial infection that can cause organ failure without providing any specifics.

Wendy makes an unsuccessful attempt to lighten the situation when Remi informs her that, given that she had a daughter, she ought to have stayed away. Wendy, though, isn’t going to tolerate it. The reason that all of this has happened is her insecurity about Cara.

In this instant, Wendy comes clean and says she is intimidated by Cara because she is a strong, determined woman who knows what she wants and knows how to get it.

Remi tells Wendy, “Every time I put on scrubs, it feels like I’m turning into Superwoman,” understanding exactly how Wendy feels as she approaches Cara. Although she is aware that she is not a superhero, she still feels this way. Remi breaks down, shocked at the state of affairs. Wendy and Remi are relieved when the HAZMAT team shows up at this precise moment.

After the powder has been removed, Remi and Wendy wear masks while they wait for the tests results. But before long, Cara, JJ, Dex, and Andrew show up—the tests have returned, and the substance turned out to be nothing more than baking soda.

Everyone is hugging as the situation’s reality is revealed to be a lie.

Remi and Wendy are happy that their wife is safe, but Cara turns around and attacks Wendy and Andrew for interfering with their life and, in the end, causing today’s events.

Cara says, “I want nothing more to do with the Rodwells,” out of rage.

She spits, “We don’t need either of you in our lives.”

“Perhaps I do!” When JJ answers, everyone is taken aback. Dex rushes to intervene and tries unsuccessfully to stop his brother from sharing a truth that could change his life. Now that JJ has made his request public, he is forced to tell the truth.

JJ thinks Andrew Rodwell is his paternal grandfather.

In tomorrow’s episode, JJ will fill in the blanks by explaining the families’ shared connection in Phillipa and the reason he brought the Varga-Murphys to Ramsay Street. His words have the power to permanently alter the lives of the Varga-Murphys and Rodwells.

Back when Cara and Remi were residing in Werribee, they were attempting to conceive with the help of an unidentified American sperm donor.

Cara did, however, also use a contribution that Andrew, a friend of Phillipa’s, had given her out of desperation. It was impossible to determine if Andrew or the American donor was the father when she became pregnant.

The events from before JJ’s birth were made public decades later when he read Phillipa’s diary. Now that Andrew Rodwell has been located on Ramsay Street, the truth is known.

Just as JJ and Andrew are getting ready for their DNA testing, the truth is going to be exposed.

But in the process, will it damage both families?

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