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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Corrie fans ‘sobbing their eyes out’ as they fear Liam will die in tragic suicide twist

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On Valentine’s Day, fans of Coronation Street were left in tears and “heartbroken” by the dramatic scenes that showed schoolboy Liam’s scheme to commit suicide.

Character Liam Connor from Coronation Street was so distraught by Mason’s malicious bullying last night that he broke down in tears and declared he was quitting school. When the heartbroken schoolboy, played by Charlie Wrenshall, turned on his laptop and began looking up ways to end his life, the audience’s mouths dropped open.

A fan posted this heartbreaking statement on Twitter: “I would have been typing that same thing as Liam if phones and the internet had been around freely when I was being bullied at school.” Others were moved to share their personal accounts of being bullied as children in response to the heartbreaking scenes. One fan wrote, “I just watched tonight’s #Corrie and I wish I could go back and hug 13-year-old me and let her know things do actually get better.”

“I recall thinking I could just end it and praying I wouldn’t wake up. We are grateful not to have internet or social media. A third audience member shared his personal account of being the “victim” of vicious bullies 33 years ago, saying that looking back is a beautiful thing. Now, I wouldn’t hesitate to retaliate.”

Gary Windass (Mikey North), Liam’s stepfather, once told the young man that the only language bullies can speak is retaliation. This is exactly how Liam feels right now. But when he followed his stepfather’s advice, he found himself in hot water with the law.

Gary will lash out in dramatic scenes that are scheduled to air next week, possibly with disastrous results as his rage at Liam’s tormentor spills over. Given his history of killing people and his willingness to use any means necessary to exact revenge, what lengths Gary’s desire to exact revenge could go?

Maria, Liam’s mother (Samia Longchambon), is fighting for justice for her son, but last night, when she attempted to show teacher Mrs. Crenshaw the messages demonstrating his constant torment, they vanished out of nowhere.

She told Maria that although she trusted her story of what had been happening, she was unable to act until she saw the supporting documentation.

Anger-filled viewers were left screaming at the screen as a result of her error, and they later attacked her on Twitter for failing to take a screenshot of the messages as soon as she saw them.

Even Dylan (Liam McCheyne), a former friend who had attempted to become friends with him when Mason (Luca Toolan) was not around, has turned to bullying others in the interim; however, Dylan’s father, Sean (Antony Cotton), disputes that his son is capable of such behavior.

The “pathetic” and “cowardly” boy was criticized by viewers for caving in to peer pressure and ruining Liam’s life as well.

“Amazing! I was crying this evening over this episode. Tragic! I don’t understand why bullying is necessary. One viewer tweeted, “I’ve been that victim,” before applauding Corrie for depicting the scenes and expressing hope that they would “help so many going forward.”

Sometimes soap operas excel at addressing important social issues. One of them is this tragic bullying narrative,” another person said.

Soon after the episode aired, it seemed like no one was left dry-eyed on Twitter, as one heartbroken viewer exclaimed, “I’ve been sobbing my eyes out!”

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